Hyperlink in Excel

Guys this articles is for hyperlink in excel. Normally people are doing manually hyperlink which is pretty good but if you have lot of data its hard to do it manually .Moreover disadvantage of manually hyperlink is if you shift your file from one place to other place your link is no more. That thing destroy your lot of effort.

Manually Hyperlink

In manually hyperlink you have to select that word or line in excel which one you are going to link with that file. You go to main menu insert ,then go link then you can chose that folder from where you are going to link file and then you can link that specific file. Then Click on ok, so your file is link to that excel.as i explain in pictures as well.

Automatic Hyperlink in Excel

Guys i am going to explain you very easy way to hyperlink your files in excel automatically. By this you can save lot of time and effort. Moreover by this even you move your file to anywhere else like in different location your link will not broke, even if you send this file to anyone else in your organization who have access to those folder where you keep your file then by your link he can see the files.

Way of Making Hyperlink Formula

So in this formula you need to use hyperlink function for example =hyperlink(constant location, “Friendly Name”) from that u can reach to that folder where you keep that file.

if you want to link exact file then you also you need to use same method but with more detail for example =hyperlink(constant location, “Friendly Name.pdf”).

By this you can link huge data within one minute and you can save your time.

In the above picture as you see that we use hyperlink function and by this excel is showing us that we need to select a location from where we can take data and we need to mention what we are going to take then we can give any name what ever you want to shown in cell so that is automatically link.

so in this picture as i highlight two cell, first one is C2 which is constant location from where you are going to link file, and C3 is the name of file who i want to link in excel and next you can give any name which one you want to show in excel.

After that you can just double click on down corner or just drag down and your all files are automatically link.

So guys i hope you like information about hyperlink. If you face any issue kindly write in comment so i can keep in touch with you